Skill Matrix Project README
Welcome to the Skill Matrix project built using React and Tauri. This project combines the power of React for building user interfaces with Tauri to create native desktop applications. Below are instructions on how to use and develop for this project.
Before you begin, make sure you have the following software installed on your machine:
- Node.js
- Yarn
- Rust (Tauri requires Rust for building the native components)
- Tauri CLI (Install with
npm install -g tauri
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd skill-matrix-tauri
Install the project dependencies using Yarn:
yarn install
Available Scripts
In the project directory, you can run the following scripts:
1. yarn run tauri build
Builds the Tauri application into an executable for your platform (e.g., .exe, .app, or .dmg).
yarn run tauri build
This command will generate the executable in the directory.
2. yarn run dev
yarn run dev
Runs the app in development mode. This command starts the Tauri application in development mode, and the React app in a development server. Any changes you make to the React code will automatically be reflected in the Tauri application.
3. yarn run start
Runs the app in development mode. This command starts the React app in a development server. Any changes you make to the React code will automatically be reflected in the react application.
yarn run start
Starts the React development server on localhost:3000. This command is useful for standalone React development if you don't need the Tauri components.
Development Workflow
yarn run dev
to run the Tauri development server and work on your UI. -
As you make changes to your React code, the Tauri application should automatically reflect those changes.
When you're ready to distribute your application, use
yarn run tauri build
to create an executable for your platform.
You can find Tauri and React configurations in the tauri.conf.js and src directory, respectively. Customize these configurations to suit your project's needs.
Learn More
For more information on Tauri, visit the Tauri documentation.
For more information on React, visit the React documentation.
Happy coding!